All Job Boards at one click
The d.vinci multiposting module

With the d.vinci multiposting module you handle your entire advertisement process on your own directly from your d.vinci applicant management and save valuable time when publishing and billing your job advertisements. Get the most out of your recruiting budget and easily identify the channels that really
work for you.
The most important at a glance
More than 1000 job boards ready for immediate use
More than 1000 job board interfaces are available to you and ready to use. These interfaces are continuously maintained and updated. Transfer information such as subsidiary or cost center for efficient billing.
Use free portals
Via the job board store you can add free portals such as XING Basic, the Federal Employment Agency (without placement order) and other selected channels to each placement. Increase your online presence and attract the attention of candidates easily and free of charge.
Control Indeed campaigns
Assign your jobs to your Indeed campaign directly from d.vinci and export payroll reports by cost center, location or subsidiary tailored to your needs.
Federal Employment Agency
Place your job advertisements INCLUDING placement order for an additional fee directly and digitally from the system with the Federal Employment Agency.
Interfaces to media agencies
Time-consuming e-mail arrangements with your agency are a thing of the past. Using our special agency interfaces, you can send orders to your agency with a click and track live which channels from the agency package work best for you.

Key figures for your recruiting
Job board analytics
With the analytics add-on, your job ads are equipped with the latest tracking technology and the data measured in this way is processed in a meaningful way. Find out which job boards give you the best results based on various metrics such as “qualified applications”.
Data-based job board recommendation
An algorithm in the d.vinci multiposting module suggests suitable channels for each posting based on benchmarks of other customers. Get inspired and test new portals conveniently via the job boards store.
Try out new channels
The recruiting market is becoming more complex and at the same time more innovative. Take advantage of this market development and discover over 1000 job boards that can be booked online in the job board shop in the d.vinci multiposting module with one click.
Costs: Suitable for everyone
Individual interfaces: from 89€ per interface per month.
For companies that work with a job board or media agency. Transmit your advertisements in the best quality without having to worry about setting up/maintaining and customizing interfaces yourself.
Interface flat rate: from 356€ per month
For companies that work with different job boards/agencies. Benefit from the freedom to use as many interfaces as you like and to activate new interfaces during the year. In addition, you get a personal contact person who is always in the picture about your interfaces/bookings.
PDF-Download: d.vinci Multiposting Modul (German)