d.vinci goes green
Sustainability at d.vinci: information on green topics

How green is d.vinci? What is d.vinci already doing for sustainability? I work for a sustainable company and would like to win d.vinci as a partner – who can I contact? All information about sustainability at d.vinci is summarized here in the “d.vinci goes green” portal.
Why do we do this?
We are sure that we as a company have a certain ecological responsibility and are not only subject to the pursuit of profit. Therefore, we should take this responsibility to a healthy extent and ask ourselves where we can make things more sustainable and also incorporate this into our corporate culture in a smart way.
Guideline on Sustainability and Social Responsibility at d.vinci
d.vinci Guideline: Sustainability and Social Responsibility (March 1st, 2025)

We’re already doing that for sustainability:
- Since May 2023: intelligent thermostats that save up to 30% energy
- Beehives and bee-friendly planting on the roof terrace
- Environmental partnership with the city of Hamburg
- Certified bean coffee, organic & fairtrade
- No plastic bottles in the office (tap water and soft drinks in glass bottles)
- Tree planting for new employees and staff with Treedom. To the tree map
- Promotion of local public transport through subsidy of HVV-Profiticket
- Company cars are mostly electric or hybrid vehicles
- Membership of JobRad: employees can lease a bicycle at a favorable price
- Green data center (German)
- Cooperation with Jobverde (German)
- Environmentally friendly advertising materials: hoodies made of organic cotton and printed on eco-paper
- d.vinci Impact Days: Colleagues can use two days off per year to engage in social or ecological activities without affecting their vacation time
- We support sustainable, voluntary work with purpozed
- We work remotely for the most part, so we don’t have to travel to the office every day.
- We support local restaurants for catered meals and order vegetarian for the most part
- When our office needs a makeover, we don’t immediately buy everything new, but try to use our furniture differently
- The default setting on our printer is double-sided and black and white
We have also summarized all these things in a blog article on the topic: Sustainability at d.vinci (German)
We are currently working on this:
- Questions like, “Do we have to pay carbon offsets if we do travel by plane to a business meeting?”
- Driving d.vinci Impact Days: #HRshapesFutureShapesHR
- Communicate d.vinci’s ecological stance to the outside world (e.g. through workshops)
- Switch to green electricity in the office / green electricity is already used in the data center
- Become climate neutral or reduce CO2 footprint
- Drive forward waste separation
Green d.vinci impressions
You still have questions?
Get in touch!

You couldn’t find the right information here? Then Lara is available to you as a contact person by mail.